• July 27, 2024

3 Ways to Browse Safely With Firefox

Is Firefox the most secure browser to use over the internet? At least, a majority of users believe so but that depends on the settings – a few of them have to be manually enabled. So, here are 3 ways to browse safely with Firefox: #1: Use the master password option Unlike Google Chrome, Firefox…

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What You Need to Know About Free Software

Article by Pierre Zarokian It’s a known fact that free products come with strings and which is why it is good for one to be very skeptical. However, there are times when you can get free software with no hassle if you listen carefully to recommendations. What this also means is that you can get…

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4 Components To Protect Your Windows PC

Article by Pierre Zarokian. Modern day criminals know that the internet is where the money is and which is where they spend their time. Which means that us honest people have to be twice as careful. It should be obvious that protecting your information online is far more complex than keeping your bag close or even…

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Windows Data Backup Tips

Cloud-based data backup is excellent for the advantages that it offers: not only is it easy and automatic but it also cannot be destroyed by either natural or manmade disasters. That said, backing up your data might be good but this isn’t that effective if you want to backup Windows. This is for the simple…

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How to open Google Drive files in Office directly

When Office 2013 was rolled out by Microsoft, there was a promise made that it would be deeply integrated with the cloud. Of course, this only applied to Microsoft services such as OneDrive but not for Google Drive or even Dropbox. So, Google, in seeking to fix this problem, released its plugin that works with…

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The Importance of Installing Windows Updates

Are you one of the many people who ignore the popup about available windows updates? You should not. Windows updates are issued every Tuesday by Microsoft and are available to download shortly afterward. Urgent updates are pushed as soon as they are available. These patches, and the urgent ones even more so are important for…

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How to Speed Up Your Windows PC Boot Time

One of the biggest problems with Windows has always been how long it takes to start it up in older PCs. In a few cases, this might occur due to a hardware problem such as a faulty hard disk but in most cases, it is all those pesky programs trying to start when booting up.…

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Google paid Apple $1 Billion for its search bar

Apple received approximately a billion dollars from its rival in 2014 to maintain the search bar on the iPhone.The Oracle attorney who disclosed details of the Google-Apple agreement at last week’s court hearing, said a Google employee questioned during pretrial information said that “at one point in time the revenue share was 34 percent.” It…

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How to Add Tabs to File Explorer in Windows

Even if adding tabs to Windows Explorer has been one of the most popular features that have been requested for, Microsoft still hasn’t delivered. But you don’t have to wait for them to deliver – you can use the Clover 3 extension which works on all versions of Windows. Yes, even Windows 10 too. Why…

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How to Use Dropbox’s New Bookmarks Feature

Accessing your bookmarks can be a serious problem especially if you switch between Chrome, Safari and even Internet Explorer. Of course, there are alternatives such as Delicious and Evernote but now there’s a new one. Yes, you can drag-and-drop bookmarks into the DropBox web app. Or even drop them into File Explorer on your desktop.…

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