• May 8, 2024

What You Need to Know About Free Software

Article by Pierre Zarokian

It’s a known fact that free products come with strings and which is why it is good for one to be very skeptical.

However, there are times when you can get free software with no hassle if you listen carefully to recommendations.

What this also means is that you can get your hands on some good software without breaking the law as a result.

This is for the simple reason that some companies or programmers themselves would like to have you use their software for free.

In most cases, this free version is a lighter version compared to the pro version that it offers for a sum of money. In other words, the software has lesser features and is usually for marketing purposes.

Once their product gets around, the pro version is offered and which will have the features that the free version doesn’t have.

In a number of cases, you only receive tech support with the paid version and in others, you can only use the free version for home use and nothing more. If you are a business, you have to buy the pro version.

Of course, free software comes with another hazard and that are known as potentially unwanted programs – malware that is offered through advertising. So, it’s in your best interests to always opt for the custom installation instead of the default installation. This will help you to avoid the installation of any malware that you don’t need.

Finally, there are a few options of free software that displays ads in the program, and which is no doubt, better than the other type of programs described above.

-About the Author: Pierre Zarokian is the CEO of Submit Express, an SEO  company in Glendale, CA. He is an expert in digital marketing related services.